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Hi, I'm Jo

I'm a Relationship Specialist Coach and Counsellor supporting couples and individuals who feel stuck and are ready to grow.  I help people cultivate greater calm, confidence, clarity, and more fulfilling relationships.

Boho Style Bedroom


Welcome.  Not as you should be.  Just as you are. 

Right here, right now, today.

We live in a world where there is no shortage of advice on how to live your best life. We're inundated with information from every angle on what we need to be happy, or well, or just better.


Yet despite the world at our fingertips we can still find ourselves stuck.  Struggling either in our circumstances, our relationships or just in ourselves.  

If you find yourself stuck, you are not alone. 


Most of us are trained to solve problems on our own, to persevere through difficult times, or to dig deep and face challenges head-on.  Yet often, what we also need is some solid support alongside our circumstances and to find our own wisdom, hope and healing.


If you are stuck and you need a new perspective; you have come to the right place.  You can make a start on your journey today.

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about me

My approach to therapy is based on practical real-life experience and a pragmatic style of listening without judgment.   

I bring a holistic approach to my work with clients, this includes working with the mind, body, emotions, spirituality, family, and relationships. As a Registered Counsellor (NZAC) with Post Graduate qualifications, continual Professional Development and Supervision, I am committed to ethical best practice.  


I am passionate about enabling people to walk through their own challenges with courage, knowledge and support.  


My hope is for you to thrive in your own life again.   


about me


A simple conversation. 

Counselling is a safe, private and supportive space where you get to connect with your inner wisdom, explore where things are at and discover a path forward.


A guided conversation for two. 

Relationship therapy is an opportunity to (re)build intimacy.

A quiet space to find your voice; to be heard. A space to listen; and understand.  

A fresh start. 


Collaboration and reflection. 

Supervision is a collaboration between two professionals.  A reflective space which serves to support you in work and life.  

It's your time to find calm, confidence, clarity & connection.


Registered Member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC)

PG Dip. Counselling Theory (Auckland University)

Bachelor of Counselling (B.Couns)

Supervision Certificate (NZ Psychological Society)

Te Whatu Ora Accredited (NZAC)

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) 

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

Internal Family Systems informed therapist (IFS)

Gottman Institute - Emotion Coach

Restorative Justice Facilitator (contracted to Ministry of Justice)

Living without Violence programme facilitator

Infidelity & Betrayal Trauma

Sex Therapy


Family Therapy

Interactive Drawing Therapy


Meditation & Mindfulness

Gallup Strengths Coach   

Image by Soroush Karimi

relationship counselling

If you have been in a relationship for any length of time you will have experienced the highs and the lows, and everything in between.   Because the reality is that all relationships have their challenges. Maintaining a healthy relationship is like maintaining anything else, it needs time, care, attention and investment.  Relationships are precious, and if yours is under pressure then it might be time to seek some support.

Gain the tools you need to build a more fulfilling relationship. Whether you're experiencing difficulties right now or just want to be proactive in maintaining a strong connection. Together, we can work to strengthen your relationship and help you and your partner thrive.

relationship counselling
Simple Tattoo

tools for communication

Remember when communication with your partner was easy and effortless? It's common for that connection to fade over time, and it can be easy to blame our partner for the loss of connection. But the reality is that poor communication is often the culprit.

Instead of talking with each other, we end up talking at each other, and that's a recipe for disaster. Effective communication is a skill that can be learned. Even though the tools for communication are simple, they do require us to try something different.

If you're tired of feeling unheard and disconnected in your relationship, it's time to try something new. With the right tools and guidance, we can work together to improve your communication skills and find your way back to feeling loved and connected.

Image by Katarina Miloševic
tools for communication
Image by Caroline Hernandez

processing anger 

We are not born angry. Anger is a powerful emotion that we learn, normally when we are young, to protect ourselves and express ourselves. We use anger to avoid pain, because it often feels better to be ‘angry and strong’ than to feel hurt or upset.

We don’t get angry about the things we don’t care about.  So anger is often a pretty good indication that something important to us is not going well.  The trouble is, anger does not help us. It destroys our relationships, our society and even ourselves.  Getting free of anger is possible, it requires learning new ways to communicate and to let go of old ways that are not working. Make a decision for change today.

processing anger

feeling the feelings

How do you feel about your feelings? Whether we like it or not, our feelings play a vital role in our wellbeing, our health, and our relationships.   For some of us, our feelings seem to run the show and for others, we have never even given our emotions a moments attention.  We might even be a little afraid of what might happen if we even dared to engage with our emotions.


In therapy we learn to work with our emotions, instead of pushing against them. By giving ourselves permission to truly experience our emotions, all of them, we can dramatically improve the quality of our lives and our relationships. Let's talk. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
feeling the feelings
Image by Nikita Kachanovsky

grief, loss & sadness

Grief is a healthy response to a painful reality. It is not an enemy or a sign of weakness, but a sign of being human. We cannot simply 'get over it', rather it takes time to grieve in your own unique way.


Times of grief might be confusing and overwhelming ... you may feel  isolated and be facing a range of emotions you’ve never encountered before. I encourage you to journey through grief with a trusted therapist, let's talk ...

grief, loss & saddness
Simple Tattoo

break-up recovery

When a relationship ends it feels like our world is ending with it. Our intimate partner, the person we trusted for closeness and comfort, is now the source of our pain and distress. When our heart breaks into a million pieces and our mind is overwhelmed with questions, we need the support of friends and family and a solid plan to get through the hard days and look ahead to the future.


Healing takes time and counselling is a safe place to start.  You don't need to do this alone, start your healing journey today.

break up recovery
Image by Ryan Moreno

faith, church & spirituality

For some, church is a place of genuine growth, connection, and community.  For others, it is a place of deep hurt, shame and isolation. It can be difficult, at times, to navigate our experience of faith with our experience of the church and people.  

If you are stuck in a difficult place with your faith or your church; here is your invitation to embark on a deeper journey toward healing and transformation. Take the time to connect with your authentic self, to find true self-acceptance and to cultivate a spiritual practice that is less about proving that you are ‘good enough’ and more about simply being 'enough'. 

faith and recovey from church culture

stress, anxiety & resilience

When unexpected change comes along, how do you respond? Do you freeze up with fear or do you open your other hand to seize a new opportunity?


Change, whether it's a change of job, city, life stage or circumstance, can be uncomfortable and have us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, alone, angry or afraid. The good news is that we all have a huge natural supply of resilience. If stress and anxiety is getting in the way of you enjoying your life, let's talk ..

Image by Brooke Cagle
stress, anxiety & resilience
Father and Son

self esteem, identity & family

We didn't get to choose our parents, our families, or the way we were raised. Yet our family profoundly shapes who we are.


Navigating the transition between our family of origin and our adult identity can be challenging. Our family, whether we like it or not, affects the way we do relationships, manage our money, the career we choose, etc.  If you feel stuck in your life or relationships, and you want to explore your unique identity, let's talk ...

Simple Tattoo

strengths  coaching

One of the most powerful insights you can have in your life is to discover your unique talents and strengths.  We assume that everyone is just 'normal' like us when nothing could be further from the truth.  Strength coaching is a process of discovering what is right about you, focusing on what is strong instead of what is wrong with you.  


A strengths consultation will help you make sense of your personality, your role and your relationships.  If you are wanting to find out your unique contribution to the world. let's get started.

Simple Tattoo
Strengths Coaching
Image by rayul

strengths for teens

We encourage our kids to just "be yourself" but even for adults, it takes us decades to truly work that out.  The teenage years are an intense time of self-discovery.  The Strengths assessment is a powerful evidence-based process of revealing natural talent.  By focusing on Strengths, we focus on what is ‘right’ with your young person which gives them language to see themselves with greater clarity and confidence.


It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is one of the greatest gifts you could give your young person as they set out into their future.  For a Strengths coaching session, let’s talk.

Strengths for teens

supervision (limited spaces) 

Supervision is an essential element of professional practice for those working with people; be it in management, leadership, health, educational, pastoral and therapeutic settings. This unique relationship extends beyond our professional realm, weaving together work life and personal life, and everything in between. 


The context we work/live in today is incredibly demanding so it's vital that Supervision is more than simply ‘ticking the box’ for professional practice, it has to provide a supportive, constructive and collaborative space for your personal growth, sustainability and professional development.


If you are looking for Supervision where you feel at home to discuss all aspects of your work and your life, please get in touch to see if working together is right for you.


*  Limited spaces available for Inter-professional Supervision for those in management, people leadership, health, education, pastoral and therapeutic settings. (Please note, I am not currently taking interns).

Artist with Paintbrushes

"We can't thank you enough for helping us through our differences.  We have the tools now to communicate better together".


"Thank you, thank you, thank you Jo for all you've done for us this year. You're a wonder. We wouldn't have made it without you!!"

"I was really worried about coming to counselling but you made it feel like a really easy conversation.  It felt like you really understood but with no judgement".



Image by Johann Alerte


$185 | one hour

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Relationship Therapy

$ 205 | one hour

Artist with Paintbrushes


$ 185 | one hour


get in touch

I'd love to hear from you. 

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Auckland, NZ

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urgent care

Counselling is only available with scheduled therapy sessions. Counselling is not an immediate response or urgent crisis service so if you need emergency support please contact your local GP or one of the below organisations.  

1737 (text)

0800 543354 (lifeline)

0508 828865 (suicide help)

Mental Health Foundation helplines & support

Or in case of emergency dial 111 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department. 

Holding Leaf
urgent care
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